Same! I’ve screenshotted so many images and lines in really good and also tough times. The shapeshifting aspect of your newsletter has always set it apart from the rest 💛

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We are all here for the love. The love of life. When you authentically, fearlessly follow your heart’s stirrings, the money finds its way.

You make the space beautiful. Your words, images, thoughts, are like music. Please keep singing.

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all the love to you Ethaney! I've always looked to you and your words for guidance. Always grateful for everything that you've shared with us.

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I haven’t followed you for very long, but I wanted to just say: 1. Your cooking always looks so beautiful; 2. as a creative (and someone who is trying to substack in the margins of a life that does not allow for much unpaid work), I have a lot of respect for you for this move. Have a lovely weekend! I’ll be sure to keep following you!

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Will support you in any way you choose to use your newsletter! 💗

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Love you ethaney 🪄🫶

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I knew a teacher who felt bad about quitting after 4 years. Her principal smiled and told her that no good deed needs to be a lifelong mission to be a success. She was told that a) no one could replace the work she’d done and b) trust that some one new would take on the responsibility.

Also, cool name.

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Good for you! Found myself in a similar spot with Substack and it's ok to let go, it's ok to just be. All the best for this new chapter of life!

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Love this for you!! Have been so happy to support. Am also inspired by your decision to make money doing something else. Our passions don’t have to be our careers and sometimes the money aspect can taint the thing we once did purely for the love it. Wishing you all the best! And looking forward to reading when you do feel like sharing <3

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